The new Retrofit package which enable new material properties and new patterning possibilities to be realized: high stability, high density of loops, smoother jacquard contours, lace like appearance, soft touch, colour plating, two sided plush construction, patterned transparency, breathability, controllable compression ereas just a few examples.
Products made using the technology – STOLL knit-lace
Desired qualities: breathability, seamless, controllable compression and body contour
Products made using the technology – STOLL knit-lace
Desired qualities: softness and patterned transparency
Products made using the technology – STOLL knit-lace
Desired qualities: breathability, seamless, controllable compression, body contour
Achieved properties: soft touch on the side containing float, possibility of a lace like appearance
Achieved properties: high stability, high density of loops, smoother jacquard contours
Authentic Plush - Achieved properties: soft touch, possibility of colour plating, two sided plush construction possible